E0 Fault code Fault description
E1 Fail-free
E2 Engine oil pressure is low
E3 Engine water too hot
E4 High temperature of hydraulic fluid
E5 The battery voltage is too high
E6 The generator P or W contacts disconnect
E7 The speed sensor is improperly installed or the circuit is open
E9 Abnormal engine speed
El0 Throttle motor feedback voltage is too low
E11 Throttle feedback sensor circuit to power short or open
E12 The accelerator feedback sensor short-circuits to the ground
E13 Throttle feedback sensor voltage instability
E14 Accelerator motor circuit to ground short circuit
E15 The throttle motor does not rotate or the motor circuit short-circuits the power
E16 The throttle standby switch is in the standby position or the throttle motor circuit is open
E17 Proportional relief valve short-circuit to the ground
E18 The proportional reducing valve circuit shortens the power supply
E25 The proportional relief valve circuit is open
E27 The water temperature sensor short-circuits to the ground
E31 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor short circuit to the ground
E32 The engine speed signal received by the controller is different from the 10 set values of the throttle plate
E33 The difference between the throttle set value and the actual speed is greater than 100r/min
E34 The data output circuit shorted to the power supply
E36 The action of throttle motor lags behind that of throttle plate 2.5s
E37 The monitor takes longer to read the signal from the controller than Is
E38 Monitor RAM is abnormal
E39 The controller gets the error signal from the monitor
E40 The controller itself generates the error signal
E41 Controller memory error
E48 The controller does not conform to the mechanical model
E48 The engine stopped